Getting started


You need composer to use this library. Run in a console:

composer require finesse/wired


Configuration is done once.

Database connection

First you need to configure a connection to your database:

use Finesse\Wired\Mapper;

$orm = Mapper::create([
    'driver'   => 'mysql',                     // DBMS type: 'mysql', 'sqlite' or anything else for other (optional) 
    'dsn'      => 'mysql:host=host;dbname=db', // PDO data source name (DSN)
    'username' => 'root',                      // Database username (optional)
    'password' => 'qwerty',                    // Database password (optional)
    'options'  => [],                          // PDO options (optional)
    'prefix'   => ''                           // Tables prefix (optional)

See more about the PDO options at the PDO constructor reference.

Alternatively you can create all the dependencies manually:

use Finesse\MiniDB\Database;
use Finesse\Wired\Mapper;

$database = Database::create([/* config, see example above */]);

$orm = new Mapper($database);

You can get more information about creating a Database instance there.


To make a model make a class anywhere which extends Finesse\Wired\Model or implements Finesse\Wired\ModelInterface.

use Finesse\Wired\Model;

class User extends Model
    // User fields
    public $id;
    public $name;
    public $email;
    public $rank;

    // Returns the database table name where users are stored (not prefixed)
    public static function getTable(): string
        return 'users';

All the table fields must be specified as the public properties of the class. All the public properties must be a table column names.

Basic usage

Retrieving models

Get a model by identifier:

$user = $orm->model(User::class)->find(15); // A User instance or null

Get an array of models by identifiers:

$users = $orm->model(User::class)->find([5, 27, 183]); // [User, User, User]

Get all models:

$users = $orm->model(User::class)->get();

Get models with a clause:

$importantUsers = $orm
    ->where('rank', '>', 10)
    ->orWhere('name', 'Boss')
    ->orderBy('rank', 'desc')

You can find more cool examples of using the query builder there.


We suggest Pagerfanta to easily make pagination.

First install Pagerfanta using composer by running in a console:

composer require pagerfanta/pagerfanta

Then make a query from which models should be taken:

$query = $orm
    ->where('rank', '>', 5)
    ->orderBy('rank', 'desc');
    // Don't call ->get() here

And use Pagerfanta:

use Finesse\Wired\ThirdParty\PagerfantaAdapter;
use Pagerfanta\Pagerfanta;

$paginator = new Pagerfanta(new PagerfantaAdapter($query));
$paginator->setMaxPerPage(10); // The number of models on a page
$paginator->setCurrentPage(3); // The current page number

$currentPageModels = $paginator->getCurrentPageResults(); // The models for the current page
$pagesCount = $paginator->getNbPages();                   // Total pages count
$haveToPaginate = $paginator->haveToPaginate();           // Whether the number of models is higher than the max per page

You can find more reference and examples for Pagerfanta there.

Chunking models

If you need to process a large amount of models you can use chunking. In this approach portions of models are retrieved from the database instead of retrieving all the models at once.

    ->chunk(100, function ($users) {
        foreach ($users as $user) {
            // Process the user here

Saving models

Add a new model to the database:

$user = new User();
$user->name = 'Newbie';
$user->email = '';
$user->rank = 1;


echo 'Your ID is '.$user->id;

Warning! The save method doesn't save related models, you need to do it manually.

Change an existing model:

$user = $orm->model(User::class)->find(14);
$user->name = 'Don';

Save many models at once:

$orm->save([$user1, $user2, $user3]);

Deleting models

Delete a model object from the database:


Warning! The delete method doesn't delete related models, you need to do it manually.

Delete many model objects at once:

$orm->delete([$user1, $user2, $user3]);

Delete many models with a clause:

    ->where('rank', '<', 0)
    ->orWhere('name', 'Cheater')